Frequently Asked Questions

Are there a lot of people offering these services?

Implementing these exact strategies, no. It's really not an issue since there are millions of local businesses in the U.S. alone. I can tell you these are markets that will NEVER get saturated.

Do local businesses really need me to provide them with my digital marketing knowledge?

Absolutely! Most business owners just don’t know where to begin and some of them don’t have the means to pay you your normal monthly rate.

How do I find the local businesses who need my help?

Easy peasy...I show you exactly how I do it and you can just copy my methods inside this training.

Why will local businesses pay me for my digital marketing knowledge?

2 big reasons: 1. Because they usually don't know what they should really be doing or focusing on. 2. Local businesses generally do not possess the skills or staff to get this done.

Do I really need to meet with local business owners in person or can I do this from my own home office?

No, not at all. Since you’ll be selling your knowledge in the form of a digitally delivered product there’s really no need to. However, if you decide to meet with local businesses, that's completely up to you.

How much can I make in the first 30 days?

Honestly I don't know. I'm not psychic. I CANNOT and WILL NOT guarantee any income. However, it's really up to you and the amount of effort you put in. I CAN tell you that local businesses will pay month-after-month, year-after-year for your digital marketing expertise.

How do I know if the "Micro Automated Services" will work for me?

I'm being completely sincere when I say, "I don't know for sure."

Each consultant I know is different both in their experience, their available time, and their skills. If you go through the training and then apply what you've learned this can be the best investment you'll ever make.

If I have any additional questions how can I contact you?

Just hit the chat widget in the bottom right hand corner of this page. Alternatively you can send a direct email to us at We usually answer all support inquiries within a few hours.